Support wanted!

Support wanted!

The cafete is still looking for new members!

If you'd like to get involved, sip coffee behind the bar with us and design your own space, either drop by on Wednesday from 5pm or send us an email to!

The Cafete is an open space that is designed by us and you. Whether concerts, readings, reading circles or working groups - we have space for your ideas!

Screen printing workshop @ AJZ Chemnitz

Screen printing workshop @ AJZ Chemnitz

On 03.08.21 our annual screen printing workshop will take place at the AJZ Chemnitz!

To take part, simply send us an e-mail to

You are also welcome to send us your desired motif by e-mail, which you can then print on your items!

See you then!


Filler post due to bug in website programming: cute hamster - cute

DELICIOUS! Kitchen workshop - DOKU

In winter, there were two workshops in the Subbotnik kitchen:

In October, we made and cooked a delicious carrot, lentil and chili spread. In December, we were shown how to make really tasty vegan ice cream.

As both workshops unfortunately could not take place with participants present, here is a small photo documentation:

Homemade carrot, lentil and chili spread *click*

Filling and boiling down *click*

The above workshops were organized with the kind support of:



Ice cream recipes: Mousse au chocolat, pear-cinnamon ice cream, vanilla ice cream *click*


*ham ham

Heating instead of rushing

Heating instead of rushing

It's getting colder in Chemnitz, Saxony, Dschl etc. (zoom out here) - even on the thermometer:
Somehow it's a case of hanging in there and not moping: We at least try and pass the time by watching the construction work in the hall, dääänn: THE HEATING IS COMING!!!
If that doesn't kindle warm anticipation in times of social distancing - perhaps for a cozy December 🐼🔥💥🌶🏜🌡
In order to finance the heating system, we received direct loans from our circle of supporters, to whom we are very grateful!!! The project could never have been implemented this winter without them. Thank you for that! However, these loans also need to be repaid. As the Subbotnik currently has no income and will not be able to generate enough in the future to repay the loans quickly, we are dependent on donations. So that we not only have a functioning heating system next year, but can also cover the heating costs:
Donation account: DE08 8705 0000 0710 0352 33 (Sparkasse Chemnitz)