On the day of the capitulation of Nazi Germany 78 years ago, May 8th, we invite you to a reading with Max Czollek at Subbotnik at 7 pm.
Max Czollek's legendary books Desintegriert Euch! and Gegenwartsbewältigung (Coping with the Present) cast doubt on German narratives from integration to Leitkultur with relish. Sharp, shrewd and surprising at every point, Versöhnungstheater closes this circle when it asks about the current memory of the crimes of the past. Since the globally admired gestures of German self-affirmation from the Warsaw genuflection to the Holocaust memorial, a lot has changed in recent times: The Berlin City Palace celebrates Prussia's kings, the new military budget evokes a turning point in history and the Federal President thanks Germany unasked for "reconciliation" on a trip to Israel. Germany is back in the game, partly because it remembers the Holocaust so exemplarily. Welcome to the theater of reconciliation!
A cooperation with the Subbotnik and the Student_innenrat of the TU Chemnitz.
Max Czollek, born in 1987, is an author and lives in Berlin. He is co-editor of the magazine Jalta - Positionen zur jüdischen Gegenwart and was co-initiator of the Disintegration Congress 2016 and the Radical Jewish Culture Days 2017 at the Maxim Gorki Theater. He has published three volumes of poetry and his much-discussed essays Desintegriert euch! (2018), Gegenwartsbewältigung (2020) and Versöhnungstheater (ET: 23.01.2023). In spring 2022, Czollek was curator of the exhibition Rache. History and Fantasy at the Jewish Museum Frankfurt, the accompanying volume of which was also published by Hanser.