Intervention area 2025 - We have won!

Intervention area 2025 - We have won!

Intervention area 2025 - We have won!

Dear friends, supporters and interested parties,

We have actually made it and are the winners of the tender for the Intervention Space 2025! In concrete terms, this means that Subbotnik is getting bigger and Chemnitz is getting a new open space!

A large open-air stage with multifunctional features is to be built on the square behind our site, a former sports field. Designed by an artist from Leipzig, this stage is not just an elevation, but a work of art in itself - many different surfaces, movable modules and a 360° viewable area. This creates a variety of possible uses for this area and there are no limits to your imagination. Whether theater, school choir, concert or parkour - it's your stage!

The rest of the property will also serve as open space and will therefore be largely preserved - a large piece of green space between student residences and not far from the city center. A free space for you and your ideas! Whether it's urban gardening, a skate ramp or an outdoor café - there are no limits to your ideas.

Sound engineering workshop FLINTA* only

Sound engineering workshop FLINTA* only

21.08.21, 14.00 h

In this workshop, you will learn how to set up and operate a vocal system. The participants will then be able to set up a PA, wire it up and operate the mixing console.
This will enable you to mix smaller bands yourself!
Anyone who still feels like it afterwards can put their new skills into practice at the concert afterwards!

The workshop is free of charge and you don't need to bring anything with you.

However, to make the organization a little easier, we ask you to register by email ( Facebook, or Instagram.


Support wanted!

Support wanted!

The cafete is still looking for new members!

If you'd like to get involved, sip coffee behind the bar with us and design your own space, either drop by on Wednesday from 5pm or send us an email to!

The Cafete is an open space that is designed by us and you. Whether concerts, readings, reading circles or working groups - we have space for your ideas!

Screen printing workshop @ AJZ Chemnitz

Screen printing workshop @ AJZ Chemnitz

On 03.08.21 our annual screen printing workshop will take place at the AJZ Chemnitz!

To take part, simply send us an e-mail to

You are also welcome to send us your desired motif by e-mail, which you can then print on your items!

See you then!