Theory Festival Canteen

Theory Festival Canteen

Theory and festival? Welcome to intoxication and theory in the same place, walk into the ivory tower with a disco gully (?). Since 2018, we have been organizing the Kantine in August in cooperation with WkB e.V. One week is dedicated to the examination of a thinker or a topic: in 2018 we dealt with the theories of Karl Marx, in 2019 those of Rosa Luxemburg, and in 2020 Walter Benjamin's ideas were taken apart. In addition to theoretical events, there is always a cultural program with scenic readings, plays or concerts and a practical part: screen printing, open discussions, a reading stage and much more. The outdoor area of the Subbotnik offers plenty of space to exchange ideas, relax or study the many information materials. There is also a childcare/kid space. The Kantine team is always happy to welcome new supporters for the planning and realization of the festival.

The next canteen will be dedicated to feminist utopias: "This year, we are no longer focusing exclusively on the life and work of a single person. Instead, we will be looking at various facets and historical contexts of feminist utopias, based on the work of Christine de Pizan*."

You can find the program for the Kantine de Pizan here:

General information about the theory festival "Kantine" :




Feminist*working group // Exchange, reflection and criticism with regular outputs

F*AK is a place for feminist exchange and encounters! Exchange about...
- Texts, literature, podcasts, blog entries, films, etc.,
- (problematic) phenomena of everyday life,
- mutual support possibilities as FLINT* persons,
- concrete opportunities to become active,
- Networking of existing groups with their respective focal points,
everything that moves us as FLINT* people! There's a lot to talk about, and we should. Now.
There is time and space for this every two weeks in the Subbotnik e.V. building. Every Sunday of the odd calendar weeks we get together from 16:00 to 18:00 and talk about our self-chosen content and keep each other up to date.
As FLINT* people, you are cordially invited to come along with or without concerns. We are always happy to welcome new members.

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